Art in Ecosystems Tile Mural
During the 2016-2017 school year, fifth grade students worked together on a project called Art in Ecosystems Tile Mural.
This interdisciplinary project, connecting the art and science curriculums, was made possible by a grant from the Syracuse City School District Educational Foundation.
The project began with students choosing an ecosystem to research. Some of the ecosystems chosen were the rainforest, arctic, desert, coral reef, ocean and ponds and lakes. The research, conducted in the library, included learning about the animals and plants of the chosen ecosystem.
In art class, each student created a glazed tile of their ecosystem using ceramic techniques. The completed tiles were assembled into two murals, one showing Aquatic Ecosystems and the other Terrestrial Ecosystems.
The two murals were installed in the hallway of our school. Fifth graders attended an unveiling ceremony in June. Congratulations to the fifth grade class of 2017!